Home Smartphones How to Block Someone on WhatsApp App Using Your Smartphone

How to Block Someone on WhatsApp App Using Your Smartphone

by Jelena Martinec

If you wish to stop receiving messages, calls, and other interactions from certain users, you can block them on WhatsApp. In these unpleasant cases, you might be wondering how to block someone on WhatsApp. You can either block one of your contacts from the chat or block a certain number beforehand.

We are going to show you how to perform both options, as well as talk about other useful pieces of information when it comes to WhatsApp blocking.

Table of Contents:

How to Block Someone on WhatsApp

Blocking someone on WhatsApp is an important feature that allows a user to stop interaction with someone unpleasant to them. Among other things, you will stop receiving messages, calls, and status updates from those whom you’ve blocked. It is quite a simple feature to use and you can do it in two ways.

To block a contact from your personal chat, follow these guidelines.

  • Open your WhatsApp app and go to the Chats section.
1. Open WhatsApp and go to chats
  • Select the chat with the person you want to block.
  • In the chat, tap on the three vertical dots in the top right and select More from the list.
3. Select More in WhatsApp chat
  • Finally, choose the Block option.
4. Block option in WhatsApp

This will make it so that the user you blocked is not able to interact with you in any way on WhatsApp.

Now, if you want to block someone with whom you did not yet chat with, follow these steps.

  • Open WhatsApp, tap on the three vertical dots in the top right and select Settings.
5. Select WhatsApp Settings
  • Go to the Account section in the following menu and select Privacy.
  • Slide your screen to the bottom with your finger until you see Blocked contacts, choose that.
  • In the Blocked contacts section, tap on the plus icon in the top right.
  • A list of all your contacts will open where you can either pick one or search for the one you want to block in the top right.
9. Search and open the WhatsApp contact

As before, when you tap on the person you want, they will be added to your Blocked contacts list. 

Finally, if you want to block an unknown phone number, you can. Simply open a WhatsApp chat with that number and follow the first guide for someone from the chat section. 

What Does It Mean to Block Someone on WhatsApp?

As we mentioned, blocked contacts will be unable to call you or message you. Additionally, they are a couple more things they will be unable to do.

For starters, they will not be able to see your status, whether you are online, or any status updates. Any changes to your profile picture will also be invisible to them.

Block a contact on WhatsApp - In Article Photo 1

Blocking a contact will not remove them from your contact list though. Nor will it remove you from their list of contacts. If you wish to remove them from your phone’s contact list, you can do so manually. This can be done in the usual way from your phone’s address/contact book. If you block someone, they will not be notified of this. Still, there are some indicators they may notice that they are blocked.

How to Know If Someone Blocked You on WhatsApp

This topic builds on the previous one relating to if someone can know if you have blocked them. Essentially, you will not be able to know when someone blocks you. However, there are some indicators that you can spot when you are blocked.

Primarily, you will no longer see a contact’s online status if they have blocked you. Furthermore, you will not be able to see updates to their profile photo. As for the chat, any messages you send to someone who has blocked you will always have one check mark (message sent) and never two (message received).

Block a contact on WhatsApp - In Article Photo 2

Finally, any time you attempt to call someone who has placed you on their block list, the call will never go through. The signs are intentionally unambiguous and unclear to protect the privacy of users who have blocked someone.

How to Unblock Someone on WhatsApp

The last option we are going to cover today is unblocking. If you ever decide that you want to unblock someone on WhatsApp, you can do so quite easily from the Privacy menu. It is similar to unblocking contact numbers on your smartphone. Here is how to do it.

  • Open WhatsApp and tap the three vertical dots in the upper right corner and select settings.
10. Open WhatsApp Settings
  • Then, open the Account menu and go to Privacy.
11. Open WhatsApp privacy
  • Slide your screen down to reveal the Blocked contacts option and tap it.
12. Open WhatsApp blocked contacts
  • You will see a list of all your blocked contacts, simply select the one you wish to unblock and confirm your choice.
13. Unblock contact in WhatsApp

This will remove that person from your Blocked contacts list and allow them to interact with you again via messages, calls, etc.


The option to block unpleasant contacts is crucial when we talk about privacy. That is why the option is so easy to reach and simple to do. Whether you want to block contacts or unknown numbers that may be bothering you, we have shown you how to do both. We hope you found this guide helpful and if you need to block anything else like Instagram users, Facebook users, or YouTube channels, check out our guides. We also have tips on how to block a Site, the YouTube app, and Adds.

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